Rental Request Form Event Details What type of event are you planning?(*) Corporate event (i.e. meeting, training, etc.)Family event (i.e. anniversary, reunion, etc.)Birthday partyBaby showerOther Invalid Input What room are you interested in?(*) Discovery Center MuseumDiscovery RoomTheaterKresge Hall Invalid Input Please give a brief description of the event:(*) Invalid Input What is the expected date of your event?(*) Invalid Input What is the expected start time of your event?(*) Invalid Input What is the expected end time of your event?(*) Invalid Input How many people do you expect to attend?(*) Less than 2020 - 5050 - 100100 - 200More than 200 Invalid Input Additional comments: Invalid Input Contact Information Name:(*) Invalid Input Company/Organization: Invalid Input Email:(*) Invalid Input Phone: Invalid Input (*) Invalid Input