Discovery Center welcomes educators, museum professionals, and other adult community members to visit our Museum.
We recommend that unaccompanied adults contact the museum in advance to arrange to visit. Please include your full name, your organizational affiliation, your phone number, the date you wish to visit, and the purpose of your visit. Allow at least 5 business days for your request to be considered. Discovery Center reserves the right to deny entry to adults unaccompanied by a child at any time. Access may be less likely to be granted during special events and high visitation periods.
Everyone in the museum must abide Discovery Center’s visitor policies. Adults unaccompanied by children must also follow the rules below at all times:
- Check-in at the museum’s admissions desk upon arrival and pay all relevant admission fees. You may be asked to wear a visitor badge or sticker which must be visible at all times during your visit.
- Allow children and families first access to all exhibit spaces and components. Be aware of families in the museum and respect their space as they play. Do not interfere with or obstruct families and children.
- You may take photos or videos of the museum’s exhibits or art, as long as no children appear in the photo or video. You must ask for and receive permission from any adults (including visitors and museum volunteers or staff) before taking any photos or making videos or audio recordings that may include them.
- If you require photos, videos, or audio recordings that include children (for media, research, etc.) you must contact the museum in advance to receive permission via email. Allow at least 5 business days for your request to be considered.
Anyone failing to abide by the rules above or Discovery Center’s visitor policies will be required to leave the museum.