
Healthy Practices

Discovery Center Museum strives to provide a safe place to play. 

Sick Person Policy

A general rule to follow is if you or your child have a fever or are too sick to attend work or school, then you are too sick to visit the museum. Please rest at home and come back to play when you are well and free of symptoms.

  • More specifically, we request that guests or staff with the following symptoms/illnesses (or who have been exposed to someone who is ill) stay at home to protect the health and safety of our guests, staff and volunteers:
  • Symptoms of an illness that may be contagious such as fever, cough, sneezing, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Person must be fever free for 24 hours.
  • Strep Throat
  • Conjunctivitis (“pink eye")
  • Lice
  • Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
  • Any of the following contagious diseases: measles, mumps, rubella, roseola and chicken pox


Cleaning Procedures

We recognize that we are a public resource for children and adults of all ages and seek to exceed any requirements that the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has in order to keep our guests and staff as safe as possible.

The cleaning procedures in place at our Museum follow strict internal guidelines every day of the year. The Museum is cleaned and disinfected daily prior to opening. Janitorial staff clean the building throughout the day. All washable toys and props are sanitized in our dishwasher. Dress up clothing and sports uniforms are laundered regularly.

If an area or object needs attention, we always encourage our guests to notify our staff right away.

We do daily cleaning and sanitizing of door handles, handrails, and frequently touched surfaces. We have hand sanitizing stations throughout the building.



If you would like to know more about COVID-19:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

 Winnebago County Health Department: http://www.wchd.org/